O Jonas é o quê? Bom...dah

domingo, outubro 14, 2007

Taking Back Sunday

Se há banda que existe antes do cagar...se há banda que já fez bandas sonoras para filmes como Spiderman 2, Transformers, Walk The Line, etc...se há banda que fez isto e mais alguma coisa e que continua a ser ignorada pela MTV...senhoras e senhores...são os TAKING BACK SUNDAY!!

Os TBS são a melhor banda de EMO que anda por aí...e andam desde 1999...quase 10 anos! Quantas vezes apareceram na MTV? Quantas? NENHUMA!! FICO FODIDO QUANDO IGNORAM BANDAS DE GRANDE QUALIDADE, SÓ PARA PROMOVEREM RAPPERS COM MÚSICAS QUE NÃO DIZEM NADA A NINGUÉM...SÓ MESMO PARA COMERCIALIZA-LAS!
Não tou a dizer para deixarem de passar malta como o Chris Brown...Kanye West...tou a dizer para passarem de tudo!! MTV = MUSIC TELEVISION! TÊM DE PASSAR TODO O GÉNERO DE MÚSICA! Fizeram mal em acabar com o Sol Música...isto é que era um canal...

Bem...aqui vai a biografia dos TBS...retirada da Wikipedia...

"Early Years
Taking Back Sunday originally formed in 1999 with Antonio Longo on lead vocals, Jesse Lacey (now lead singer of Brand New) on bass and backing vocals, John Nolan on guitar, Eddie Reyes on guitar, and Stevie D on drums. Their first release was the Taking Back Sunday EP . However, in the middle of recording the EP, the band went through a lineup change. Lacey left the band to play for The Rookie Lot and was replaced by Adam Lazzara and Mark O'Connell replaced Stevie D on drums. The five-song EP was finally released in February 2001; though distributed at shows, the EP never got noteworthy success.[3]
By the time their first album was released, Taking Back Sunday would again go through a major lineup change. After Longo was kicked out of the band, Reyes moved Lazzarra to lead vocals and then recruited Shaun Cooper to play bass. The resulting line-up would remain in place for the first album.

[edit] Independent Success
The band released their first full album Tell All Your Friends, produced by Sal Villaneuva for Victory Records, in 2002. Tell All Your Friends gave the band a small taste of success in the alternative spotlight. The album cover is a picture of an off-ramp, marked by a sign bearing the words "exit 152." Recently the band posted a bulletin on their Myspace saying that the 152 sign was near where they met their friends and that they would never forget them no matter how far away from them they were. Every "TBS" album to date has featured the number 152 somewhere on the cover.
Following the release, they played with bands such as Brand New and The Used, as well as performing a short stint on the 2003 Vans Warped Tour. However, another change in the band's lineup occurred when singer/guitarist John Nolan and bassist Shaun Cooper left the band to form Straylight Run. Shaun Cooper and John Nolan discussed their decision to leave the band in April 2003:

Shaun Cooper asked his friend John Nolan, "Do you want to commit career suicide?" "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do," John replied.[4]April 2003

The loss of John and Shaun was twofold, as it put the already unstable band into a state of heightened tension, and it delayed shooting for the band's next video, "You're so Last Summer". However, with the addition of guitarist/vocalist Fred Mascherino, formerly of Breaking Pangaea, and session bassist Matt Rubano, the band stabilized, and successfully completed filming.
The year 2004 proved to be successful for Taking Back Sunday, with the band opening for Blink-182 and co-headlining the Vans Warped Tour. In addition, their second album, titled Where You Want to Be, was released on July 27, 2004 on Victory Records. Although sounding slightly different than Tell All Your Friends, the new album managed to do well commercially. Propelled by the single A Decade Under the Influence, Where You Want to Be went on to debut at the #3 spot on the Billboard 200 albums chart, with around 163,000 copies sold.
Taking Back Sunday received even more mainstream exposure by appearing (on the day of Where You Want to Be's release) on late night talk shows Jimmy Kimmel Live and Loveline, as well as contributing the song "This Photograph Is Proof (I Know You Know)" to the soundtrack for Spider-Man 2. They also contributed the song "Your Own Disaster" to the Elektra soundtrack, and the original version of "Error: Operator" to both the Fantastic Four soundtrack and tie-in video game, where it served as Mr. Fantastic's theme. An instrumental version is also used as background music in the game. In 2007, the band contributed the song "What's It Feel Like to Be a Ghost?" to the soundtrack for Transformers, although the song did not appear in the movie.

[edit] Major Label Debut
On April 25, 2006, Taking Back Sunday released their third album, entitled Louder Now, on Warner Bros. Records. The band's comments on the album reflected the dramatic change the band had undergone in the two years since their last release. Lazzara stated that fans seemed to feel their live shows had more energy than their recordings, and that "Louder Now" brought more of that across. Taking Back Sunday received mainstream exposure by appearing on the late night talk shows The Tonight Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, and Late Night with Conan O'Brien.
Shortly following the release of Louder Now, Taking Back Sunday took part in the 2-day Give It a Name indoor rock festival in England. The band played at Manchester Evening News Arena on Saturday, April 29, 2006, and London Earls Court on Sunday, April 30, 2006. During the first song of their set at the Earls Court show, Adam Lazzara accidentally hit Matt Rubano on the head while swinging his microphone and knocked him out cold. He was rushed backstage for medical treatment. Rubano later returned to the stage sporting a large head-bandage and a noticeable amount of blood on his face. Following his return to the stage, Rubano continued to play while sitting down. In a less noted incident, during the band's last song at the MEN show, the pedal to the bass drum broke, and the band had to stall while a replacement was found and installed.
Following months of various tours to support Louder Now Taking Back Sunday made one of its most mainstream perfomances to date by appearing in the American leg of Live Earth on July 7, 2007. Also during the summer, Taking Back Sunday was a part of Linkin Park's Projekt Revolution tour, along with My Chemical Romance, HIM, and many other bands. During the tour, Mark O'Connell was diagnosed with a herniated disc, resulting in the first time in eight years that they have used a replacement drummer.

[edit] Future Albums and Departure of Fred Mascherino
On October 30, 2007, the band's former record label, Victory Records, plans to release Notes From The Past, which will feature four songs from Tell All Your Friends, six songs from Where You Want to Be, and two b-sides: The Ballad of San Villanueva and Your Own Disaster.
The band will then be releasing Louder Now: Parttwo on November 20, 2007, featuring a DVD of unreleased live concert footage from their private show at The Metro in Chicago, IL, as well as special features such as the video for Twenty-Twenty Surgery that was made for Europe. The DVD will be packaged with a companion CD featuring live tracks and b-sides that were previously unreleased in America.
In a press release in early October, Taking Back Sunday announced that five songs for their fourth CD had already been written, and that the band would take a break from touring until the recording is finished. The band plans to release the new CD in 2008.[5] However, the band also announced that the next studio album would be missing the vocals of Fred Mascherino, who will now be focusing exlusively on his solo career. On their website, the band said:

After four great years and two successful gold albums together, Fred has decided to leave Taking Back Sunday to pursue his solo career. We wish him well and we are working on the next Taking Back Sunday album as we speak.
We wanted to let you guys know and then get back to working on the music. No drama, just riffs.
On that note, Fred's album The Color Fred's BEND TO BREAK is coming out on October 30.
The Louder Now Parttwo CD/DVD is coming out November 20. You want webisodes, we got webisodes. You want unreleased live videos? Got that too. Lots of bounus features and behind the scenes goodies on this one. More on that soon.
The next Taking Back Sunday album is in its very early stages. As always, we will be updating you on that as we go along.
Thanks guys![6]Taking Back Sunday

Mascherino stated in an interview that the main reasons for his departure were the band's musical direction along with their tumultuous history.[7]

[edit] Discography
Main article: Taking Back Sunday discography
Album Cover
Date of Release
U.S. sales

Taking Back Sunday EP

March 26, 2002
Tell All Your Friends

July 27, 2004
Where You Want to Be

April 25, 2006
Louder Now

October 30, 2007
Notes From the Past

November 20, 2007
Louder Now DVD: PartTwo"

PS: O Adam Lazzaro e tao bom não é?

(comentário: LOOOOOOL)

Clássicos a nunca esquecer :

Faith No More: Falling To Pieces

Faith No More: Epic

sábado, outubro 13, 2007

Eu sei quem tu és anónimo...ou devo dizer...IRMÃO!!

Ora aí está...eu sei quem é o anónimo...é uma longa história, mas eu tenho tempo...é melhor buscar um balde, pois vão precisar...

Quando eu estava no útero da minha mãe, ela fez, como todas as mães mais ou menos normais, uma ecografia...nessa ecografia estava eu...e...por muito que vos custe a acreditar...mais um "eu"...ou seja, eu tinha um irmão gémeo siamês.

Quando nasci, não havia sinal do meu irmão...até que repararam...eu tinha o feto do meu irmão colada á minha cabeça...como podem vêr nesta imagem...

(O meu irmão gémeo é o da esquerda...)

O meu irmão sempre teve inveja de mim...penso que devido ao facto de...tipo...eu ter pernas...e o resto do corpo...e tal...um dia acordo e dou pelo meu irmão...como não quer a coisa...a apertarme o pescanhoço (perscoço)...visto isto...eu pergunto:

"- Oh mano...tu por acaso...não é por nada...tasme a asfixiar?"

E ele:

"-Eu...? Não!"


"-Desculpa...mas acho que estás..."

"-Não não tou..."

"-Então o que estás a fazer agarrado ao meu pescoço?"

"- Tou a fingir que sou um colar..."

"-Acho que me estás a mentir..."

"-Não, não estou..."

"Huuuuuum...ok...olha...foste tu que te peidaste?"

"Eu não tenho anus... -.-' "

"Ah pois...então fui eu..."

E os dias foram passando, mas dia após dia, o meu irmão tinha comportamentos cada vez mais estranhos... palitavame os olhos em vez dos dentes dele...punha urtigas no papel higienico...em vez de lubrificante dava.me cola como no american pie 2...colocava.me cubos de açucar dentro das cuecas e soltava cavalos...bem..traquinices...até que uma vez eu acordo e ele tem uma arma apontada á minha cabeça...

Eu: "Tens uma arma apontada à minha cabeça?"

Ele: "Não...quer dizer...TENHO CABRÃO!!"

Eu: "Mas porquê?"


Eu: "Penso que não...pera...deixa vêr...não..."


Eu: "Tá calado...deixa-me vêr o Dragonball..."


Eu: "Sim...essencialmente é isso..."


Eu: "Ah...lol...boa sorte com isso...e tal..."

O meu irmão de repente salta fora da minha cabeça e deixa por tr´sa dele um rasto de sangue...e vai até à porte...tipo aquela mão da familia Adams...

Eu: "Foste tu que te peidaste agora?"



Saiu pela porta fora e nunca mais o vi...ATÉ AGORA! EU SEI QUEM TU ÉS ANÓNIMO...OU DEVO DIZER...MARQUES MENDES!!!!!

JGM, 15 anos (vo fazer 16 dia 20 :D), e mais não digo...NÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃO!!!

quarta-feira, outubro 10, 2007

O Anónimo/a tem um FETICHE pelo Jonas!!!

Se todos nós repararmos o Anónimo/a esta esta constantemente a mandar vir com o Jonas e também em tudo relacionado com o Jonas, tanto que o Jonas até já se sente enojado (ou não) pelo Anónimo...
Levo a concluir que o Anónimo/a tem um fetiche pelo Jonas!!!
Ao Anónimo/a:
Tu conheces as nossas pessoas (tipo nós os três)?


segunda-feira, outubro 08, 2007


Eu sei que o Jonas foi muito expressivo e comovente no seu pedido de deixar o Anónimo em paz... Mas o que eu descobri é demasiado importante para ser deixado incólume.

Descobri quem é o Anónimo!!!!!!!!!!! (Com uma ajuda do meu amigo Bruno)

O Anónimo é nada mais nada menos que uma prima do Bruno!!!
24 anos
1,58 metros de altura.

E aqui vão os factos:
- Os comentários do Anónimo começaram pela mesma altura que o Bruno mostrou o link do Nós entre Clones à prima.
- As criticas que ela fazia ao blog são as mesmas que o Anónimo fez nos seus comentários.
- A forma de falar entre os dois é exacta.
- A insistência da prima do Bruno sobre o cabelo do Jonas e o comentário do Anónimo no post dos bloopers sobre o cabelo do meu amigo.

Depois disto acho que não existem dúvidas e que este mito fica resolvido. A partir de agora espero que continues a comentar o nosso blog mas com o teu nome verdadeiro. :P Adoro-te :D JPF

domingo, outubro 07, 2007


Vim por este meio tomar uma nova iniciativa para este blog...decidi utilizar a nossa "enorme" influência para promover bandas que ninguém conhece porque a MTV só passa merda, e que t~em um enorme potencial e qualidade...

Pelo menos uma vez por semana vão estar cá bandas novas...e alguns clãssicos do rock para ninguém os esquecer...

Aqui vão:


Origin Newport Beach, California, USA
Genre(s) Alternative rock
Years active 2003–present
Label(s) Capitol
Website http://www.saosin.com/
Cove Reber
Beau Burchell
Justin Shekoski
Chris Sorenson
Alex Rodriguez
Former members
Anthony Green
Zach Kennedy
Pat McGrath
Danny King


[edit] Origin of Saosin with Anthony Green
Saosin started off as the brainchild of two musicians; Justin Shekoski, a former guitarist in As Hope Dies, and Beau Burchell. They planned to be called "The Gift", but there was another band by that name. They recorded an instrumental demo, with Justin and Beau, and MIDI drums. The first song on this demo was called You're No Angel and had Beau Burchell on vocals. They were trying to find a vocalist and they asked Keith Goodwin from the band Days Away. He said, "I know this guy Anthony". They sent him 2 instrumentals and he recorded vocals over them. The two songs became known as Seven Years and Translating the Name, the first two tracks on the Translating the Name EP. Anthony flew in from Philadelphia and stayed for five days, and recorded the vocals to the EP in about 4 nights.

Drummer Pat McGrath was brought in to do drumming for the Translating the Name EP. Saosin had been trying hard to get Alex to join the band, but he was in Open Hand, and was touring with them. They picked up McGrath who was a studio drummer. According to Burchell, the Translating the Name EP was 3/4 of McGrath's ability. "There were certain passages where we were like, Dude, play something else no one is going to be able to play. And he would do it, and we were shitting ourselves. He was there doing the most insane rolls, all while doing stick twirls, all like it was nothing, and we were shitting our pants." When Beau met Pat, they handed him the Open Hand CD and told him that was the drummer they wanted to have in the band. Beau asked Pat if he could stylize the drumming to make it sound like Alex’s sort of style. Even though McGrath never played a single show with the band, they had some fun times together and get along well. McGrath also still enjoys Saosin's music.

Translating the Name, was an instant success, especially through online sources. The band was actually approached by numerous record companies before playing their first show due to the soaring popularity of the EP. However, the band's vocalist Anthony Green left after the release of their first EP and later formed the band Circa Survive. Anthony was very homesick and said he was missing his family. He says he felt bad for leaving his friends in a tough situation without a singer, but he "would have gone crazy had he stayed any longer". A public, nationwide audition then took place. Beau Burchell has stated in interviews that, "The main things that we are looking for now, is someone that does not do drugs, someone who can actually sing live, and someone who is good looking and fun to get along with. Oh, and they have to have a really dry sense of humor, because the rest of us do."[1] After the public audition process and several guest vocalists on demos, Cove Reber, previously the vocalist of the band Mormon In The Middle and Stamp Out Detroit, was announced as their new permanent lead singer and is an adept guitar player.

[edit] Saosin with Cove Reber
Cove sent in his demo tape, which was an acoustic demo with "Mookie's Last Christmas" (this demo has leaked to the internet) and is widely speculated to have included a few songs from Translating the Name, which also includes Seven Years and 3rd Measurement in C. When Beau first heard the demo, he thought it was Anthony pulling a trick on them. He said he wanted someone like Anthony but "not to bring in someone that sounded like Creed." According to Beau, "Gabe from Midtown tried to sing a couple songs. Jason Gleason was asked to come out and do it, but he had his own thing going on." Beau said "I would put them in the studio and pull up the ProTools session of Translating the Name, and would mute all of Anthony’s vocals and just let the guys sing. And dudes would come in and sound like total Spinal Tap, just so bad. So then I would have to spend about two hours trying to find a nice way to get the guy to just leave, so you would basically sit there and waste your night.". Even through all of this, Saosin said they would have went on with Beau, Justin, and Chris all doing vocals because they were not going to give up.

Bassist Zach Kennedy also parted from the band early on, leaving because of personal issues and to focus on his art career. He went on to play bass in Ashlee Simpson's band, but left her band in 2005. He was replaced with Chris Sorenson.

During 2005, the band toured the United States and became part of the Warped Tour. A video to the song "Bury Your Head" recorded during their tours has also been shown on Fuse. The band is currently signed to Capitol Records, and released their full-length debut on September 26, 2006 which sold over 35,000 copies in its first week. On the show "Steven's Untitled Rock Show" that airs on fuse, Justin corrected Steven saying "80,000". Although this statistic hasn't been confirmed. The record saw a change to a softer tone as the band tried to distance themselves from other artists of the same genre.[2] They were formerly on their own indie record label Death Do Us Part where they released their first EP.

Recently Saosin toured on international Taste of Chaos tour, and toured the US with Bleeding Through and Senses Fail. They also participated on the North American 2007 Taste of Chaos tour, headlined by The Used featuring bands such as 30 Seconds to Mars and Aiden.

Early May Saosin headed down-under to Australia to perform in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. The band was supported by A Static Lullaby and featured other Australian local bands.

In the summer of 2007, they were part of the Projekt Revolution tour, headlined by Linkin Park.

In a recent interview posted on their website, bassist Chris and vocalist Cove said that they have begun writing their new record while touring with the taste of chaos.

In a recent article on ultimate-guitar.com, it is mentioned that their next single will be "You're Not Alone" and they will be filming the video clip after The Taste Of Chaos tour.

[edit] Origin of name
. "Saosin. .. it was our singer's idea. Saosin, it's this Chinese proverb, which means. .. like. .. keep your heart small, because nothing is forever. You know. Don't let yourself get attached to something, because that thing's gonna be gone eventually."

[edit] Equipment

Fonte: Wikipedia

Saosin-> Voices

Saosin-> You're not alone

Clássico-> Smashing Pumpkins-> 1979

JGM, 15 anos (a fazer 16) e mais não digo...OLÉÉ!

sábado, outubro 06, 2007

BiBo o Anónimo!!!

Apoiando os meus amigos eu digo:
O Anónimo é uma parte importante do nosso blog!!! Sem nós o que seria dele??!! Provavelmente estaria a bater uma ou então a ver Britney Spears no pc... (o que é mau hábito).
Mas um Anónimo é o sujeito que não quer mostrar a tromba!!! Ou como diria o meu dicionário: s.m. aquele que não assina o que escreve (Do gr. anónymos, "sem nome").
Uma questão: Será que o nosso Anónimo é ilegal cá no país para não assinar????

Bjs Rubex

sexta-feira, outubro 05, 2007


JGM, e mais não digo...BUAAAAA!

segunda-feira, outubro 01, 2007

Idiotas Anónimos

Parece que este blogue voltou ao normal depois de umas semanas de extrema actividade... E por isso agora queria fazer algumas declarações algumas carregadinhas de demagogia e outras também...

Para começar gostaria de fazer uma vénia a um grande amigo do Nos entre Clones (e não é o Bruno, nem a Vanessa ou a Aida apesar destes merecerem a nossa admiração e respeito também) e esse grande amigo é o Anónimo... Sim aquele energúmeno que insiste em tentar (e sublinho tentar) achincalhar o blogue e seus autores. Pois esse Anónimo tem nestes últimos meses mostrado o seu desagrado em relação ao que escrevemos e às nossas opiniões e desde o insulto ao... insulto tem tentado atacar-nos... Pois bem, tem sido uma convivência agradável porque já não tinha alguém para insultar e dar gozo já há algum tempo... Para terminar quero-te dizer, anónimo, és um querido, um fofo, um doce, se fosses gaja eu comia-te e peço-te que continues e que te comovas com este post dedicado a ti (e que partas um braço a escrever o comentário, que caias de cara sobre o teclado, engulas o "X" e comeces a falar "axim")

Uma última coisa e para esta espero que o pessoal de Estocolmo esteja atento... Descobri a resposta à mais antiga e misteriosa pergunta de todas: "Quem nasceu primeiro o ovo ou a galinha?" Resposta: o ovo. Os dinossauros já punham ovos e existiram muito antes das galinhas... Nobel (pessoal de Estocolmo... Os Nobeis são distribuidos em Estocolmo, quando pessoas como o Anónimo (bem haja) visitam o blogue temos que explicar tudo) já és meu... JPF

P.S José Cid é o maior
P.S2 José Cid é Deus